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Every time you pick up a beauty product, it’s like entering a world of secret codes. Right? Half of the things that are there aren’t really explained whether it’s good or bad. And we slather it in our faces, hoping to the universe it all works in our favour.
We’ve seen brands boasting terms like “organic,” “natural,” and “cruelty-free,” but what do they truly signify?
Here’s a simple and clear guide to understanding labels.
What Are Labels for?
Beauty labels are like signposts guiding us through options, and when we choose products, it’s the best place to look to decide whether they are truly good for our skin or not. Reading labels offer us insight into their suitability for our skin. So, what do terms like organic, natural, cruelty-free, and vegan really mean?
In simple terms, “organic” signifies ingredients grown without synthetic pesticides, while “natural” suggests elements sourced from nature. However, without a universal standard, interpretation may vary. “Cruelty-free” ensures no animals were harmed, while “vegan” indicates the absence of animal-derived ingredients. Nevertheless, these labels aren’t always definitive; thorough research is still key.
Ingredients Unwrapped
Diving deeper into the ingredient list is similar to peering into the product’s essence. What is its purpose? Why is it important to me? Does this fit my skin’s needs? As you scan through the list of ingredients, these are the questions that arise one by one.
Ingredients serve various purposes, from providing benefits to binding and extending shelf life. However, many ingredients that could be harmful to your skin may cause irritation, and allergies, and disrupt hormonal balance, posing risks not only to your skin but also to the environment.
Being mindful of these ingredients empowers you to make informed choices that prioritise the health and well-being of your skin and align with your values.
The Automatic NO Ingredients:
Certain ingredients raise red flags due to their potential risks to our skin and health.
III. Green Flag Ingredients You’d Want:
On the other hand, some ingredients are like green flags, indicating that they’re beneficial for your skin.
Knowing this, you can carefully look for brands that align with your values and are transparent about their ingredients and practices. Using online resources and apps to explore product formulations and ethical standards further, you can select products that prioritise skin’s well-being and environmental sustainability. Believe it or not, you play a vital role in shaping the future of the beauty industry, by being an informed consumer.